Category Printing

Holiday Treat Boxes, Cutting and Printing

The design for my holiday treat boxes has finalized, the materials purchased and all the cutting and printing completed! With the date so far past christmas I ultimately decided to completely redesign the look of them, cutting out the christmasy striped pattern I’d originally settled on and moving on to a cloud pattern. Initially I’d […]

Screen Printed Wrapping Paper

With the craziness of the Holidays I somehow completely lost track of time and haven’t posted in over a week! As usual when it comes to the holidays I’m behind schedule. I always want to squeeze in one last client job and somehow convince myself there’s still plenty of time left for any baking, making […]

Holiday Treat Boxes, Lid Design

Every year I get a little crazy for the holidays. I love to give gifts and my aspirations always exceed my time, budget and abilities. Usually what happens is that I make some grand plan for a homemade gift I’ll make for everyone I know, obsess over all the details right up until it proves […]

Ptechshop Pteronauts Pt-shirts and Team Flags

Some of my coworkers at Techshop participated in the recent Flugtag event here in San Francisco. As part of the event they gave away T-shirts to everyone who came to support their team- Pthe Ptechshop Pteronuats. They also wanted to add a little something extra to their costumes. Carlo is a great designer so he […]

Goldfish Bubble Notebook

Over a year ago I had an idea for a gold fish notebook. It would be thin and small like  the moleskin cahier notebook. There would be a beautifully rounded corners and a golden thread up the spine. And to make it truly perfect I would silkscreen a golden fish on the front with tiny […]

Skin Horse Slipcases, Part 3

If you missed the first two parts of my series describing the making of the Skin Horse Slipcases you can find part 1 here and part 2 here respectively. As promised this post starts off with printing wonderland. Do you feel happy? I feel happy. Probably because this is a picture of me occupying my happy place using a […]

Skin Horse Slipcases, Part 2

Work on the Skin Horse slipcases continues. It’s been a while since I posted Part 1 and a fair amount has happened since then. After cutting all the pieces and cleaning the edges of all the soot the laser burned onto them I got to work cutting a silkscreen stencil. One of my favorite things […]